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Thursday, 19 November 2015

Bubblews is Dead, but MyLot Has Been Resurrected

A couple of days ago Bubblews abruptly disappeared from the Internet replaced by a brief announcement of closure complete with an excuse. I don't think anyone was really surprised. I describe it as one of the ugliest, most protracted writing site deaths in history. I retrieved most of my writing that I considered as having some value but not all. I got lazy. It isn't like I didn't know it was coming. I do feel for those who lost work there.

I migrated to Bubblews with a group of writing friends from a site called MyLot. At that time, they had a change of ownership and told us they would be making wonderful upgrades to the site. When the changes came, we liked them all except the part that we would no longer be paid anything for our content. We were hurt and upset, but at least it was done with some class. We were given ample warning, we weren't given the runaround, there was never a time when we couldn't retrieve our work and we were paid every last penny we were owed to that point.

I made infrequent visits back to the site out of curiosity. On my last visit, I got a surprise. The original owners have regained control of MyLot and have reintroduced the payment incentive since some time in August. It isn't nearly as lucrative as Bubblews was in its heyday, but we know that wasn't sustainable either. It does have it's advantages over the old Bubblews.

  • 1) Payout is reached at a very reasonable ten dollars. I expect with my limited participation to hit payout every month.
  • 2) The administrators are far more capable than the one's on Bubblews. MyLot's previous stint as a paying site lasted something like seven years and I don't think the old formula was the problem.
  • 3) If you had lots of Internet friends on Bubblews, most of them are already writing on MyLot. I've known some of these writers for a decade or more and we do kind of look out for each other.

Quite a few of my real life friends and family joined the bandwagon on Bubblews. Some of them actually profited financially. I hope we all had fun until the wheels fell off. I'm writing this as a sort of public service announcement. No referral program exists on MyLot at this point although they did say it may be coming. At this point, I will gain nothing financially from friends and family who decide to give MyLot a whirl. I just want to make sure that any of you who might be interested won't get left out.

Website address is simply www.mylot.com